Diathermy also known as blemish removal or advanced cosmetic procedure is a safe effective and quick treatment procedure that involves the removal of many skin blemishes or lesions. Commonly referred to as advanced electrolysis this treatment uses an alternating-current that vibrates causing water molecules found in the base of target tissue to become irritated. Heat is then produced which dries up the excess moisture living in the cells and the blood supply. This fluid then thickens, coagulates and destroys the target cell by means of cauterisation and decomposition.

Consultation is required and prices with be quoted and agreed upon.

Form of BlemishStarting price
Broken Capillaries £45
Spider Naive (Broken blood vessels that appear like spiders legs) £45
Cherry Angiomas (Blood spots)£45
Cluster Capillaries (A combination of the above 3)£55
Milia (Individual small white hard spots)£45
Skin Tags£45
Sebaceous Spots (Appears like a ring donut)£45
Xanthelasma (Clusters of Yellow/White hard spots or patches around eye)£65
Written Gp approval required for the following:
Warts (multiple treatments may be required)£65
Verrucas (multiple treatments may be required)£65
Mole Reduction (multiple treatments may be required)£65
Small Sebaceous Cyst (multiple treatments may be required)£65
Sebborheic Keratosis
(Senile warts that sit on the surface of the skin appear brown and flaky)
Dermatosis Papulose Nigra
(Small black/Brown patched that look stuck on)

Are there any side-effects?

For a few days post treatment, the area treated can be sensitive, redness may be apparent and possible swelling if larger lesions have been treated. Small crusts will often appear for a few days whilst the lesion treated heals. Providing that the after-care instruction is followed and no infection develops there should be no risks of any scarring. In some cases, a small pigmented mark can be visible where the lesion resided however, this will be minute and not normally even noticeable. All clients must inform their practitioner if they are prone to post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation, scarring such as keloid as these issues will either contra indicate or restrict the treatment from taking place.